Which company is looking ripe to have an IPO?
-- Kevin
Ask Orca
Pods of Orcas are standing by to answer your questions
How can I save up to travel with my entry level job?
-- Alicia
Should I hire someone to manage my money for me and why?
-- Charlie
I think the main hurdle to get over is proving the worth of a broker. The Internet is an amazing resource that I think a lot of people our age are happy to use to find information that would have previously been supplied by advisors
-- Kyle
What are some low expense/cost investment vehicles that twenty something may not have heard of?
-- Jake
Why is starting to save early important?
-- Rachel
Aside from mortgage interest deduction, traditional IRA's, and 401k's what are the ways for a W-2'd twenty something to reduce their tax burden?
-- Chris
What are the mutual funds and ETFs and what are their pros and cons as low cost investment options?
-- Rachel
Aside from mortgage interest deduction, traditional IRA's, and 401k's what are the ways for a W-2'd twenty something to reduce their tax burden?
-- Jake
How much debt should I take on at one time? (Student loans, car, credit card, ETC.) How much is healthy vs. risky?
-- Kevin
My understanding is that choosing a term life insurance policy and investing the difference between the whole and term would give me a higher rate of return. Given this, why would someone decide to invest in a whole life insurance policy?
-- Jake
What is asset allocation, and why do people recommend starting it and re-balancing to maintain it?
-- Rachel