1. You pull a Beyoncé and say job “bye” 2. Soon you get a call from HR 3. Asking what you want to do with your 401K 4. You don’t know and think about it 5. You talk to your financial adviser who gives you an idea 6. To do something called a “rollover” 7. You take your 401K money and “roll” it over directly into an IRA account without paying any penalties #loophole 8. You feel blessed because you have...
Emoji Finance Friday©: Roth IRA
Let us break this down 1. You work for yourself, you are a coder, an artist, a dancer, or maybe even a hairstylist 2. You start an IRA portfolio, specifically a Roth IRA 3. Time passes 4. You get older 5. You take money out of your IRA 6. That has grown to become cash bags 7. Pull the money out without paying any TAXES! #takethatunclesam Now let us piece this together; You freelance as a coder/dancer...