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Welcome Letter

Welcome to Orca Financial, “Financial Freedom for the New Generation.” I would like to thank you for taking the first step in gaining financial freedom by visiting our page. We are excited to help empower the new generation. I wanted to take a moment and explain my mission behind creating this company. 

Orca Financial is an idea of mine that has been only a concept until now. Why the name "Orca"? I grew up in the 1990s and as a 90s kid, I quickly became obsessed with a now timeless classic the "Free Willy" movie series. Before Blackfish ruined Sea World for us all, I visited the park often, always hit up the Shamu show, and bought every souvenir imaginable. I also wanted to highlight that we are the New Generation; we are not the commonly referred to financial sharks or wolves of Wall Street per se, but more intelligent and deadly. Just like the Orca – we approach investments with a playful and inventive mindset, thrive in the open, and are fierce in business!

I have grown up in a family of financial advisers and the passion for finance was instilled in me early on. As I got older, I realized that I was one of the few that was fueled with this passion at such a young age and how that passion helped me better prepare for my future. Our education system does not put a focus on finance and as a result the most basic of terms, and fiscal responsibilities are often lost upon most of my generation.

Orca's cornerstones are:

1) Education: I wanted to create a place that my readers could check daily to get updates about financial news explained in the simplest and most relatable terms. This movement of Financial Freedom truly starts with empowerment through education. We need to understand the terms because they are not going to change--but our mindsets can; and the more we understand the better equipped we are to handle the future. Visit our blog and our social media channels to get started!  

2) Transparency: As a generation, we're still licking our wounds from the Wall Street crash a few years ago. We are still scared to invest because we often feel that we cannot trust the financial institutions will handle our hard earn money correctly. We are afraid to invest and grow our money through calculated financial risks. I have worked tirelessly to ensure that you have complete transparency at Orca Financial. We have partnered with established firms, which follow our Orca Mantra. Orca does not believe in hidden fees or commissions. We believe planning firms should be a fiduciary and put clients needs first, last and always.

3) Goal Investments: Orca believes that investments shouldn’t be about investing in just any old fund but should be about goals, that you should have a financial plan that is targeted towards a goal, say “I Want To Buy A House” or "Sh*t I Just had a Baby” or even “I Want To Go To Europe” whatever your goals may be, planners should customize a plan for you and give with realistic timelines to reach them.

4) IRL (In real life): We aren't a bunch of robots. We look forward to swimming right by your side as the most powerful force in nature. This firm is for all of us who dare to be different, who want to take control of our lives, who don't believe in the 9 to 5. So welcome fellow Orca’s. Let us be the change that we want to see in the world!

Sincerely Your Pod Leader,

Rohan Thakkar



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