Ahhh! Adulthood – regular paychecks, eating meals that don't come in a Styrofoam cup, and the ability to, as Tom from "Parks and Recreation" would say, "Treat Yo' Self" But how much of your newfound income should you be saving? Are you spending too much? Are you investing it in the right places and growing it or just letting it sit? The suggestion is to always have at least 2-3 months worth of living...
Compound Interest: Learn It, Love It, Live by it.
Goal Planning: Orca, beleives that investing and planning should be more then just picking Vanguard High Blah Blah Blah fund and watching it going up and down. With our partner ecosystem we have devloped porfolios that are transparent and do actually what they are called. Imagine a bundle that had everything you needed to learn and helps you grow towards your goal, such as the "I want to buy a house...