You may have heard the term 401K before and probably thought wait I can't run that far, or $401,000, some of you may even know that it is related to your retirement fund or specifically an IRA (Individual Retirement Account). You get bombarded with packets of what an IRA is, and you hear from your parents invest in your retirement but you really don't know any of the rules or types of IRA"s out there...
Compound Interest: Learn It, Love It, Live by it.
Goal Planning: Orca, beleives that investing and planning should be more then just picking Vanguard High Blah Blah Blah fund and watching it going up and down. With our partner ecosystem we have devloped porfolios that are transparent and do actually what they are called. Imagine a bundle that had everything you needed to learn and helps you grow towards your goal, such as the "I want to buy a house...