You may have seen the word OPEC across your phone yesterday when you were scrolling through your news feed, and like your friends 500th post about her gluten free lunch you just ignore it and went on with your day. But did you know OPEC or (The Organzation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) actually has a huge affect on your wallet and the price you pay at the pump? And what does Donald Trump have...
Why Are Gas Prices being so Hot n Cold Like Katy Perry
They are up and they are down, and they seem to not be able to make up there mind, but unlike Katy Perry there is a little bit of logic behind the recent fluctuation of the gas prices and it goes way beyond the 140 characters of “Barrel prices down to $27, markets panic” Now oil is nothing, but a business at the end of the day. Like any business its all about breakeven cost as well as supply and demand...