1. Your money keeps going up 2. The overall market is going up 3. But there is no fundamental reason 4. You think about it for a second 5. Don’t question it too much because you have money eyes 6. Pop some champagne #livinglikearockstar 7. But soon no one could predict it bursts 8. The market starts to go down 9. You are scared and angry 10. This all equals a bubble Let's piece this together Your money...
How the Dow Jones is like your favorite Instagram influencer
You have probably heard of Dow Jones before, but did you know ‘he” has more followers than Kylie and Kendall, combined! Although he may not be plumping his lips or showing off his behind, he is an influencer, and an important one in the stock market. Side Note: Large Cap is a stock that has value over $ 5 Billion, such as IBM. Dow Jones, consists of the Top 30 large cap stocks that are on the Nasdaq...