1. You hear some news come out about a company on the market 2. You tell your news to your friend, who in return, tells more people 3. Researchers look into the company and they start to notice the price swaying based on the news 4. Finally, you realize that all the information available to you is having a direct effect on the market price 5. And the stock price goes up and down based on the news out...
Emoji Finance Friday©: Dollar Cost Average
1. You invest a large sum of money 2. And decided to buy one certain stock 3. You talk to your adviser who has an idea 4. To split the money up over 5 months 5. Getting an average price of the stock 6. Your adviser explains that soon you may have more shares than if you bought all the shares at once 7. You think about this… 8. You buy into what your adviser says 9. #Moneyface because I mean mo shares...